Sending a file to Intuit Data Services for Repair

Sending a file to Intuit Data Services for Repair

Sometime a QuickBooks file becomes corrupted and cannot be rebuilt. The file may need to be sent to Intuit Data Services for repair. Intuit can usually fix the file within 8 hours, but they say it may take up to 48 hours. In rare cases, they may not be able to repair a QB fle, in which case you may need to start over with a new QuickBooks file. Contact CleanBooks for professional assistance and other options for repairing corrupted QuickBooks file.

We recommend that you verify your QuickBooks file frequently. This is especially important if your QuickBooks is large (> 50mb). Follow these steps to verify your data:

Verifing your QuickBooks Data
  1. Log into QuickBooks as Admin user.
  2. From the File menu, select Utilities > Verify Data.
  3. Follow the prompts to verify your QuickBooks data.
  4. If you get a success message, your data verifies and does not need to be rebuilt.
  5. If you get an error message, follow these steps to rebuild.
Rebuilding your QuickBooks Data
  1. From the File menu select Utilities > Rebuild Data
  2. Follow the prompts to backup your data and rebuild.
  3. After a successful rebuild, verify your data again to ensure that it is no longer corrupted.
  4. Sometimes a second rebuild is needed to correct a problem with QuickBooks.
  5. If you file still does not verify properly, you may need to send your data to QuickBooks for repair.
Sending your QuickBooks Data for Repair
  1. Contact CleanBooks, your certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors, to troubleshoot your data.
  2. If CleanBooks is unable to resolve the QuickBooks error, they will escalate your issue to ProAdvisor support.
  3. The Intuit ProAdvisor Support team will assign a case number and a PIN number to your issue.
  4. CleanBooks will upload your QuickBooks Data to Intuit's Data Services team  at with assigned case and PIN number.
  5. Intuit will return the file when it is repaired within 2 business days (usually less than 24 hours).
  6. CleanBooks will verify that the file has been repaired and return it to you promptly!
  • Phone number for ProAdvisor Support is: (888) 333-3451 (ProAdvisors only)
  • Email address for Intuit Data Services is [email protected] or phone number (888) 777-4428 (voicemail only).
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