Are Pending Invoices Used?

Are Pending Invoices Used?

      The pending invoice feature is an effective way of marking invoices that are not yet ready to be sent to the customer. This situation occurs when invoices need to be approved; information is missing to complete the invoice, etc. If this type of situation applies to the business consider instituting procedures to use this feature.

Reports > Sales > Pending Sales 

Pending invoices do not update the general ledger until they are changed from pending to final. The advantage to this feature is that invoices can be entered and marked as pending while they are approved. It is also used when products have been sold but not yet shipped when the sales order feature is not available.

New with Premier Version 2003 and Enterprise Solutions a sales order feature that is more effective than pending invoices for back orders or work not yet complete.

Be aware of closing date warnings and limitations within QuickBooks when changing a pending invoice from a closed period to a final invoice in the current period.

©2012 Bonnie J. Nagayama, CPA • Used by Permission • All Rights Reserved • • SBDT-QE
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